IIn 1945, the American inventor Vannevar Bush. Published an article called “As We May Think”. It outlined a concept (considered revolutionary at that time) for a futuristic networked machine similar to today’s Internet.  Part of that vision was a small concept that has the power to revolutionize the way we communicate forever.

That concept was something we call augmented reality. Augmented reality applications and devises have the power to unlock new ways of extracting information around us.

Just think of it, use your phone and see what information is attached to that product.
Pricing, demos, health information, directions and recommendations, translations of signs and symbols, virtual tours making communications highly effective and thrusting us into brand new forms of communications. Augmented Reality: 5 Ways it Can Change Your World

Augmented Reality has the ability to impact all elements of our lives and have a massive effect: from education to gaming to manufacturing, the world seems poised on the brink of substantial AR adoption. A recent study by Semico Research predicted that by the end of 2016, revenue produced by the AR Industry will total more than $600 billion.(March 30, 2015)

How Augmented Reality Will Change The Way We Live. (2012, August 25). Retrieved March 30, 2015, from http://thenextweb.com/insider/2012/08/25/how-augmented-reality-will-change-way-live/

With the introduction of iTunes music has never been the same. The music world completely changed over night. Apple turned the music world on its ear and left it with three major problems. First iTunes opened up a new way to buy music. Before iTunes music was bought in music stores or through a few mail order music houses. You would go to music stores and sift through music bins with headlines and dig through the not so popular music titles, music store clerks usually would come in two flavors, those who didn't know music and those that where audio files.

Music stores where cool in the day, but somewhat limiting which brings me to the second reason iTunes took the music industry by storm. Finding music was somewhat of a hunt, you could talk with friends or listen to the radio and sample a new song of a bands album, but the radio stations played only the hit songs recommended by the music industry. Sure there were alternative stations playing the underground stuff but it wasn’t the norm. iTunes made it possible to buy music based on preference and recommendations. This was allowed users to make playlists of music that was a person as the music they were listening to and share with friends.

The third change iTunes delivered to the music world was purchase only the song you want for 99 cents. This was different than anything the music world has ever seen. The music world had 45 albums with one or two songs, but iTunes developed the concept of digital content in a music form. Apple really delivered a double blow when they introduced the iPod. What Apple really did was introduce a complete digital ecosystem. iTunes stored MP3 and iPods made MP3 portable and cool.

The music industry took massive losses as music listeners began converting music collections to mp3 and building and sharing playlist. After a time the music industry soon started to intact laws to constrict the control iTunes gave the world.

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology might exceed our humanity.”

I don't know who actually said this quote? Some sources say it was the most influential physicist of the 20th century, Albert Einstein who pushed the limits of the human mind, while others say it was from the film Powder (1995) directed by Victor Salva, a film that questions the limits of the human mind and raises hope that humanity will advance to a higher state of understanding because its fundament to life. Who ever said it really made me stop to think about this statement and applied it to today's fast paced world we live in.

I do find our technology might be making us less human or at least evolving as a society in some very strange ways. As a society we are so eager to have technology's help in every aspect of our lives, but we really haven’t stopped to ask the questions of how much is too much, and how is technology's effects playing with our humanity. With all of our modern advancements we have become a culture of more, faster, better, and on demand.

We are creating a culture of distraction where we are increasingly disconnected from the people and events around us and increasingly unable to engage in long-form thinking. People now feel anxiety when they are without their phones and unable to check emails, this really inhibits us from a real human connection when we need our phones over the people right in front of us. We are losing some of the very important things that make us human. We threaten creativity, imagination, and insight by filling up all our “free” time with stimulation.

Today’s technology has given us the ability to produce large amounts of cheaper foods, but the flip side of it is that childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.

Most Social Scientist and Technologists are not saying the future is in a mass parallel, but they are worried about our digital transformation. The paradox of our digital humanity isn’t with our wearable technology’s and our new forms of content that are helping us to connect but in our ability to stay connected to the things that make us human and happy.

(2014, December 11). Retrieved March 29, 2015, from http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm

Is technology making us less human? (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2015, from http://www.techradar.com/us/news/world-of-tech/future-tech/is-technology-making-us-less-human--1171002

Mass communication Changes in the Social and Economic Scenario. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2015, from http://www.peoi.org/Courses/Coursesen/mass/fram6.html

SCHOOL: Mass Media and its Influence on American Culture. (2013, May 20). Retrieved March 29, 2015, from https://makaylaheisler.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/school-mass-media-and-its-influence-on-american-culture/

Technology has always been at the heart of human civilization. Our capacity for technology is unlimited and our humanity has become our safety net when technology's potential has grown in ways our minds have not conceived. The connection between technology and communication started with pictographs in caves and moved to written forms of communication in the ancient world.

Now it took humans a couple hundred thousand years before they got the inspiration or nerve to write and share their ideas. The Sumerians finally kicked it into high gear and wrote on clay tablets, what people where buying and selling as well as historically significant events almost 5,000 years ago combining technology and communication. Eventually the invention of paper, and the printing press made it possible for us to transfer documents from one place to another, allowing for uniformity of languages over long distances and then ultimately put human civilization on the technology superhighway of communications.

Today the long distances on this superhighway have been shortened to milliseconds made possible with the introduction of the Internet. New forms of communications are morphing from the Internet and changing behaviors in our society. From simple electronic documents to rich digital media, text messages, video, social media, blogs, this explosion has created a new breed of communication professionals with the abilities to communicate to a united civilization.

Today technology has changed the social fabric of life. It has changed how we report and share news, and at the heart of all this change is the work that communicators do to keep the content flowing through the veins of the Internet. Now communicators are more technology savvy. With communication skills like content creation, video capture and editing, writing, posting, and editing.

Today's communication professional create content faster than ever. Let's look at how journalist would report on the news. They would work in teams with photographers and copy editors and legal to report stories for readers and news stations. News outlets needed time to collect, it typically was on a 24 hour cycle of reporting, today news happens and is automatically reported through dozens of Internet media outlets. Now reporters wear multiple hats, they report, shoot and edit news on the fly. The time it takes to report the news is ten times faster as journalist are now competing with social media and other news organizations that are vying for the same viewer ship.

The possibility of communicating from anywhere in the world to anywhere else at low costs has led to a marked decline in face-to-face communications and to an increased reliance on verbal and written communications.

With the dawn of the communications profession comes new problems in quality of the content. Communication has become concise and short, and finds self generated, unverified and unsubstantiated content widespread throughout today’s news outlets. Though most is unintentionally speed and self-publishing threatens the foundation of our human civilization. Once we struggled to inform and record our human civilization with written content, today we struggle to maintain the overload of content and keep it accurate and up to date.


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