Will our technology exceed our humanity?


“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology might exceed our humanity.”

I don't know who actually said this quote? Some sources say it was the most influential physicist of the 20th century, Albert Einstein who pushed the limits of the human mind, while others say it was from the film Powder (1995) directed by Victor Salva, a film that questions the limits of the human mind and raises hope that humanity will advance to a higher state of understanding because its fundament to life. Who ever said it really made me stop to think about this statement and applied it to today's fast paced world we live in.

I do find our technology might be making us less human or at least evolving as a society in some very strange ways. As a society we are so eager to have technology's help in every aspect of our lives, but we really haven’t stopped to ask the questions of how much is too much, and how is technology's effects playing with our humanity. With all of our modern advancements we have become a culture of more, faster, better, and on demand.

We are creating a culture of distraction where we are increasingly disconnected from the people and events around us and increasingly unable to engage in long-form thinking. People now feel anxiety when they are without their phones and unable to check emails, this really inhibits us from a real human connection when we need our phones over the people right in front of us. We are losing some of the very important things that make us human. We threaten creativity, imagination, and insight by filling up all our “free” time with stimulation.

Today’s technology has given us the ability to produce large amounts of cheaper foods, but the flip side of it is that childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.

Most Social Scientist and Technologists are not saying the future is in a mass parallel, but they are worried about our digital transformation. The paradox of our digital humanity isn’t with our wearable technology’s and our new forms of content that are helping us to connect but in our ability to stay connected to the things that make us human and happy.

(2014, December 11). Retrieved March 29, 2015, from http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm

Is technology making us less human? (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2015, from http://www.techradar.com/us/news/world-of-tech/future-tech/is-technology-making-us-less-human--1171002

Mass communication Changes in the Social and Economic Scenario. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2015, from http://www.peoi.org/Courses/Coursesen/mass/fram6.html

SCHOOL: Mass Media and its Influence on American Culture. (2013, May 20). Retrieved March 29, 2015, from https://makaylaheisler.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/school-mass-media-and-its-influence-on-american-culture/

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