The Augmented Reality Revolution In The Communications Field

IIn 1945, the American inventor Vannevar Bush. Published an article called “As We May Think”. It outlined a concept (considered revolutionary at that time) for a futuristic networked machine similar to today’s Internet.  Part of that vision was a small concept that has the power to revolutionize the way we communicate forever.

That concept was something we call augmented reality. Augmented reality applications and devises have the power to unlock new ways of extracting information around us.

Just think of it, use your phone and see what information is attached to that product.
Pricing, demos, health information, directions and recommendations, translations of signs and symbols, virtual tours making communications highly effective and thrusting us into brand new forms of communications. Augmented Reality: 5 Ways it Can Change Your World

Augmented Reality has the ability to impact all elements of our lives and have a massive effect: from education to gaming to manufacturing, the world seems poised on the brink of substantial AR adoption. A recent study by Semico Research predicted that by the end of 2016, revenue produced by the AR Industry will total more than $600 billion.(March 30, 2015)

How Augmented Reality Will Change The Way We Live. (2012, August 25). Retrieved March 30, 2015, from

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